Tree Services in the Tyler & Palestine, TX Area

  • Tree Trimming & Tree Pruning

    Trimming or pruning a tree can help your property not only look better, but it’s also necessary for safety and the health of the tree. Trimming and pruning, especially larger trees, requires lots of experience. We have the expertise required to keep everyone and everything safe while taking care of your trees.

  • Palestine, TX Tree Removal

    Keeping your property safe and looking exactly how you want might require tree removal. At Breitbarth Tree Techs, we can help you understand if and when a tree should be removed. Then our expert arborists can safely, neatly and carefully dismantle any tree that needs to be removed.

  • Storm Damage Cleanup

    Here in the Piney Woods, storms, tornados, and more can leave your property a mess. If trees are damaged with branches and tree limbs down, we can clean up to get space looking great while keeping your trees healthy.